Home Inventories For A Organized Home

Did you know that for every minute spent cleaning, an hour is saved? You must wonder why. Well, when your home is dirty or disorganized, it’s really difficult to focus on the things you should be doing. Life gets simpler, less stressful, and everyday tasks become easier with an organized home. And one of the easiest ways to get your home in working order is by conducting a home inventory. Whether you are moving houses or just looking for a spring cleaning update, home inventories are the way to go.

What exactly is a home inventory? 

A home inventory the process of categorizing and cataloging all the items in your home, and marking their financial value. A home inventory could be as simple as a list in a notebook or as stress-free as making a video of everything in the house. Not only does this help you throw out clutter and learn where everything is in your home, but it is also necessary for home insurance purposes, should something happen to your belongings.

While a home inventory may sound stressful, it is well worth it in the long run. Imagine being able to easily find any item you need in your home because you already know exactly where it is. Home inventories also make cleaning a breeze, by letting you know where things belong and how each room of your home should be organized. And by breaking home inventories down by room, you are able to really tackle the home inventory process with ease.

Now that you know just how easy it is to create a home inventory, you might be surprised to learn that not every homeowner has one. People often don’t make inventories because they feel like they don’t have a lot of belongings or that they aren’t worth the time. When in reality, not having a lot of belongings is even more reason to create a home inventory list.

As much as home inventory helps in the organization, its primary function is to serve as proof of all the things you possess should in case any natural disaster or fire wipes out your belongings. If you have home insurance, your items will be protected under your policy. A home inventory can help make the claim process easier and assist your insurance company in giving you the proper coverage. And even if you aren’t insured, it’ll be useful in knowing what to replace. Home inventories also help you ensure that you are purchasing the right amount and type of insurance.  

Making a home inventory can be as easy as you want it to be, and just like everything else, can be customized to your needs.

Making a home inventory

There are several ways to get your home inventory done in a snap. Check out some of the suggestions below.

1. Home inventory video

A simple video showing your belongings, their condition and the original price can often be enough to satisfy your insurance company.

2. Home inventory notebook

A home inventory can be made manually just by taking a walk around and writing or typing the data in the needed columns. It’ll be really easy to notice where and what needs to be arranged and cleaned.

3. Home inventory apps 

There are several apps available on Android, and iOS that make the inventory process way easier. Even after a loss, it indicates what needs to be replaced. Some apps have a dual function of not just indicating the price, as is expected of a typical home inventory app, but also draws your attention to what would need a wash or relocation.

When making a home inventory, it’s crucial to keep documentation of your items worth to ensure the inventory can help you replace them later on. Make sure to keep the bills, receipts, warranties, and instruction manuals for your more valuable possessions – these can serve as proof of ownership. It’s also important that receipts are stored in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box or a secure online option. Records of credit cards, taxes, government, and other important household documents should also be kept in an off-site location for maximum protection.

For more information on how to make the home inventory and organization process a breeze, check out the home inventory infographic below from Hippo. They included plenty of free apps to help you organize, categorize and inventory your home so that you can clean up with ease for years to come.

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