Commercial airline stretcher flights are ideal for patients who cannot sit upright in traditional airline seats during their trip. They may also require oxygen or a ventilator during flight. This type of medical flight requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work. It involves coordinating with the airlines to remove rows of Economy seats and installing an airline stretcher.
Safety and Security
It is essential to get information on commercial airline stretcher services before choosing one. An airline stretcher service with a history of successful medical transports is vital. The company should be licensed and insured. It should also have a dedicated team of trained medical professionals to assist patients during transport. The team will assist at the airport during boarding and disembarkation. Airline stretcher services can save families tens of thousands of dollars compared to an air ambulance repatriation cost. However, this option is only ideal for some patients. Airline stretcher flights allow patients to travel on a commercial flight using a medical bed separated from other passengers by a curtain. During the trip, family members can join the flight to provide moral support and help with any necessary care. The patient will be able to lie down comfortably throughout the entire flight.
In some cases, this may be the only viable option for long-distance medical transportation. This service is an excellent option for international nonemergency transportation. It can be completed faster than traveling the same distance on a private ground ambulance.
Commercial airline stretcher flights are a safe and reliable option for patients who need to travel long distances but do not require the level of care provided by an air ambulance. This service requires a special arrangement with the airlines, including removing rows of seats to make room for the patient’s stretcher. It also involves coordinating with the airlines to ensure that the medical equipment will be permitted during aircraft taxiing, takeoff, and landing. Nonemergency stretcher transport is often required for medevac or repatriation services, but it can also be used for other situations. This type of flight is usually available on selected international flights and can save patients and their families thousands of dollars over the cost of an air ambulance.
If you are considering commercial airline stretcher services for medical transportation, finding a company with an excellent reputation and experience is essential. In addition, you should also look for a company that provides a comfortable flight and professional staff to ensure a safe journey for your loved one. Airline stretcher flights are an excellent option for patients who need to travel long distances but can’t sit up for the trip. This service involves removing a block of seats from the aircraft and installing a stretcher with all necessary medical equipment. This service can save patients and their families thousands of dollars compared to the cost of an air ambulance. In addition, it can be much faster than traveling by ground. This primarily benefits bedridden patients who can’t endure long road trips.
International commercial airline stretcher flights are the best option for patients who require air medical repatriation or evacuation but are too sick or injured to travel in traditional seating. In this service, rows of seats are blocked off on a regularly scheduled commercial flight so the airline can install an FAA-approved stretcher for the patient, usually accompanied by a medical escort. The passenger cabin is curtained off for privacy. The escort team provides care throughout the flight, from departure to arrival at the destination. Depending on the patient’s condition, they may receive in-flight oxygen and medication for symptom relief. In addition, the escorts help the patient navigate security and boarding procedures at each airport. This bed-to-bed service is often less expensive than a private plane, significantly reducing the patient’s travel time. Moreover, the process is much simpler than transporting a patient in a traditional ambulance. It is also a more comfortable and safer travel method for some patients.