9 Simple Tips To Keep Your Mind Sharp At Any Age

A temporary mental lapse, which is also called a senior moment, is a common problem that happens to people of any age. While memory loss often occurs in the old, a temporary mental lapse is common among young people. It may be caused by brain injury, organic disorders, etc. However, modern studies pointed out that the risk of memory loss or dementia is closely related to some bad habits such as sleep deprivation, smoking, bad social connection, drinking alcohol, not exercising, etc. Patients with diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure are also at high risk of this mental problem. So, how to improve mental health, this article will show you some simple tips on how to keep your mind sharp at any age.

  1. Keep On Working And Learning

Studies pointed out that people with higher education often have better mental health and memory. High education gets learners involved in active learning habits, so it keeps them mentally strong. The challenges during the studying and working process will activate the individual brain cells and boost the connection between them. If your work requires enough mental exercises and practice, maintain it. However, if your work is too simple and even boring, challenge yourself with a new one or try to study a new thing such as a language or skill to keep your mind active and practice your memory.

  1. Have The Spirit Of “I Can Do It”

Aging contributes to memory loss a lot. When you become older, you can forget things easier. The people who are in their 50s or 60s perform worse than the young at memory tasks. However, nowadays, it is possible to manage the memory in the old. The ones, who often think about the senior moment and that they cannot control their memory seem to have worse memory and cognitive functions than those who believe they can. These pessimistic people also often work less to maintain or improve their mental health. Therefore, if you believe that you can improve your bad memory and try your best to practice it; your mind will become sharper and sharper.

  1. Consider Brain Use As A Priority

As we recommended above, memory loss is related to less brain and mind practice. Therefore, if you do not use your mind, you will soon end up with cognitive decline. You should not pay attention to the small things such as where you put your key or when your boyfriend’s birthday is, but put more energy into learning and remembering the great things. At home, you should decide certain places to put your key, bag, glass, documents, etc. Also, make full use of a calendar, notebook, map, list, etc. to make your life easier.

To ensure your brain use is as optimal as it can be, consider a supplement to help support your brain health. Nature’s Happiness has supplements that support brain health along with overall health blends to help your body and mind function as well as they possibly can. 

  1. Repeat Or Write Down Things That You Need To Remember

If you want to remember something you have heard or read once only, write it down in your notebook or read it out loud many times. In this way, you force your brain cells to connect with others to remember things.

  1. Use All Of Your Senses To Live Better

If you use more senses to remember something, your brain will be involved more. The adults, in a study, were shown many pictures with the smell. However, they were not asked to keep in mind what they saw. In the next turn, they were shown pictures without any smell and asked to point out what they had seen before. Surprisingly, they have a wonderful recall for images with the smell, especially those, who are associated with pleasant odors. The above study referred that the piriform cortex (which is in charge of processing odor in their brain) became active when they saw pictures paired with the smell, even though the smell was not presented. Therefore, if you want to improve your memory, practice feeling everything with all of your senses.

  1. Space Out Periods Of Study

Repetition is an excellent way to remember something. If you are preparing for a test, repeat the lessons you had learned. However, if you re-study essential knowledge for a long time, you can repeat it every hour, every few hours, every day, and then every week. This method will help you to boost your mental health and memory, especially for special and difficult to remember information.

  1. Simplify Your Life To Make You Happier

It is necessary to economize your brain energy to use it for a critical task only. This will help to prevent your brain from being overloaded and conserve its function. Remove all of the distractions from your daily life; you will be less stressed and happier. Not spending time on clutter also makes you more energetic for other tasks, which are more important.

  1. Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly

Recent studies make people believe that doing aerobic exercise is beneficial to long-term memory and overall brain health. It helps to refresh your body, make you feel relaxed after a hard-working day, and even improve the blood circulation to your brain. To achieve the goal of better mental fitness, you should spend at least half an hour per day doing physical activities, especially practicing aerobic exercises.

  1. Drink Coffee Every Day

Nowadays, it is believed that drinking coffee can protect your brain from a decline in cognitive functions and mental lapses. Also, it is quite surprising that drinking coffee helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by thirty to sixty percent. The caffeine and antioxidants in latte coffee can boost your memory for several decades from now on.

Keeping the mind sharp and conscious is not an easy task. Above are nine tips on how to keep your mind sharp at any age that you can quickly follow. Hope that with this article, everything will go well and you will be mentally healthy in your life. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you.

Author Bio:

This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching for the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues.

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