8 Quick & Easy Cleaning Tips for Busy & Working Moms

image source: Pexels.com

All busy and working moms want to live in a clean house, but not all of them have the time it takes to keep the house tidy. Living in a clean house among other things entails spending quality time scrubbing and making it shine at all times. These 8 cleaning tips will help you make your home shine:

Add some sparkle to your home with a quick wipe down

Adding disinfectant wipes will keep your house clean and keep your family safe from all forms of germs.

You can happily use them on any surface in your home. Disinfectant wipes remains an effective way of keeping your home clean from all messes. More so, they kill germs.

Additionally, they will help you to eliminate sticky messes on countertops, windows, doors, furniture, and dust windowsills.

Sweep yourself out of the room as you leave

It is very easy for floors to get messy if there are small feet dragging in dirt and grime. Use a broom to sweep your floor; this is one of the cutest ways to keep your floors clean and fresh.

If you notice any dirt in the room, sweep it immediately, and it is advisable you start from the front of the room and then go towards the door. By this way, you won’t have to tread any dirt as you try to clean. Sweeping your room takes few minutes, and you will be happy at the end of the exercise, knowing that your room is 100% clean.

Disinfect the disposal

Have a garbage disposal freshener around your home and keep it clean at all times by disinfecting it. This will make it hygienic and smell really good at all times.

Have a routine

You will get things done if you know what you are doing. The beauty of it is that it will become easy for things to be done quickly and easily without issues.

Keep bounty paper towels with you whenever you are moving from one room to another. This will help you to clean up spills and messes within the shortest possible time.

Utilize your vacuum

Your vacuum will make it easy for you to keep your floors clean. Vacuum is a good alternative you can use at all times. It will save you time. You can set it to run periodically at any time of the day.

Use old toothbrushes

Most times the garbage disposal may be ineffective or get nasty. When this happens, all you need to do is to scrub it down with an old toothbrush, and then add a little lemon juice or perfume to it so that it can smell fresh.

Keep the right tools at the ready

Daily cleaning is good and can be done at any time. In order to get the job done, you’ll need to use the right tools and supplies. Ensure you have the following tools ready:

  • Disposal bags
  • Scrub brushes
  • Right cleaners
  • Cleaning Rags

With these tools close by, you can clean whatever mess that comes your way without issues.

Schedule a day to wipe out jobs

 Although you can do house cleaning jobs at any time of the week, schedule a day to wipe down windows, do any landscaping, etc.

As a busy mom, make out time to clean your home periodically or on a regular basis so that you won’t allow things to pile up. By this way, you will have the clean house you have always desired. Looking for one of the best cleaning services in Naples, FL? We have the place for you – go to site and check them out!


Contributed by Chad Rubin

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