5 Things You Can Do to Simplify Your Family’s Next Move

Moving homes can be a stressful process, especially if young children are involved. It can be difficult to find time for packing, and fragile items can be quite difficult to pack as well. Following a few basic steps will simplify this lengthy process and ensure that everything gets to your new home unscathed.

Pack Room by Room

Running through the house attempting to find belongings that will all fit in one box is a lot of work.  You will be better served by packing one room at a time. This will help when it comes to unpacking because your belongings will be well organized. Plus, it will help you and your movers to know where they should place the boxes on moving day.

Label Boxes

To further improve the organization, you should label boxes with a quick inventory of what is in them. The label could also content details for each box could help. This way, should a box go missing you will have a record of what you have lost.

Use Professionals

Professional movers have years of experience in safely moving and packing belongings into trucks. They can work quickly and can keep boxes from getting smashed and furniture from being scratched. If you do not have enough time to do your own packing, you can turn to professional movers for help. Remember to do your research when choosing movers. It’s important, since you will be trusting them to literally take your possessions away with them. Spend some time on a company’s website, like this one for Excellent Quality Movers, Inc., and be sure to ask for references from past clients you can contact.

Set Aside One Room

When packing, one room of the house should be emptied and set aside for last-minute belongings that you will need to take with you personally. On moving day, the door to this room should be closed with a “do not enter” sign posted to ensure that movers do not take boxes from this room.

Contact Utilities

At least three weeks before the moving date, you should notify your utility companies with the date that services should be taken out of your name. You should also get services in line that you wish to have transferred to your new address, such as internet and cable.

In some cases, professionals may be the best ones to help simplify the moving process. They can provide checklists for you to ensure that all key steps are followed and can pack and move boxes. Their services are typically insured, meaning that you will not be left with huge replacement bills should some of your possessions be damaged. However, if you have enough time, have someone in place to babysit your children and are willing to invest in high-quality packing materials, you can certainly undertake this yourself by using excellent organizational skills.

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