3 Circumstances That Can Affect Your Child Support

When parents choose to end their marriage, it doesn’t end the relationship that they have with their children. Typically, the parent who is not granted custody of a son or daughter will be required to make child support payments. However, there are several variables that could determine how much support a custodial parent will actually receive.

The Noncustodial Parent Experiences a Change in Disposable Income

Child support payments could be reduced temporarily if the noncustodial parent loses a job or experiences an unexpected medical expense. Conversely, if the noncustodial parent gets a raise at work, it could result in an increase in child support. Parents who are interested in modifying a child support order are encouraged to talk with a family attorney about the process of doing so.

The Custodial Parent Experiences a Change in Disposable Income

In the event that a custodial parent receives an inheritance or some other windfall, it will likely be easier to handle the financial burden of raising a child. Of course, it could also mean that the child’s other parent won’t be required to provide as much financial support.

This will depend on whether doing so would be in the minor’s best interest. A judge would have to consider the educational, medical and social needs that a child has when making a ruling. If you experience an increase in financial resources, you could choose to return child support payments in an effort to help your former spouse or romantic partner.

The Child’s Needs Change Dramatically

If your son or daughter needs braces, incurs a large medical expense or transfers to a private school, both parents could be required to provide extra support. Ideally, you and your former partner will attempt to come to an agreement in private as to how to resolve the issue.

It is important to keep in mind that a court will generally not make a parent pay more than he or she can afford to contribute toward a child’s care. Therefore, you may be required to shoulder most of the burden if the other parent isn’t working or otherwise doesn’t have the means to contribute his or her fair share.

As a parent, your top priority needs to be providing the best possible life for your kid. Fortunately, you aren’t expected to do so on your own. Your attorney may be able to take steps to get your child support payments increased or compel the other parent to pay what he or she already owes.

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