Lean Relocation: 5 Things Not to Pack When Moving

A move to a new location can be a daunting task that requires sifting through items that you’ve had in your closet or garage for years. Many of these things are no longer useful, but they have been around so long, you may have forgotten them. Your upcoming move is a good opportunity to pare down unnecessary items, so you can make an efficient re-location and can save money on moving expenses. Here are a few areas that are usually easiest to eliminate.

Clothing You Never Wear

Everyone has at least a few items of clothing that they never wear but continue to keep in the closet on the off chance they may be useful someday. A move is a good time to come to terms with those unwise purchases that were never worn. Similarly, clothing that no longer fits, but is kept for that day when you can fit into it again, should be tossed or donated. Even if you do lose weight, the clothing will most likely be horribly out of style.

Old School Textbooks

Old textbooks should never be carried along on a move unless they can provide useful information for your career right now. Although the cost of textbooks makes it hard to let them go, they will only add to your moving expenses. A number of vendors purchase old textbooks or you can donate them to a worthy organization.

Old Furniture

Unless an old piece of furniture has special meaning for you, leave it behind. Your new home will probably require a different style of decorating, and it’s okay to “live lean” for a while until you purchase new furnishings. Give the old pieces to friends or donate it for resale instead of having a moving company like Wheaton World Wide Moving carry them to your new home.

Old Sports Equipment

Most people have a garage full of old sports equipment, such as baseball gloves, ice skates, roller blades, hockey sticks and other items. It’s likely you or your family have moved on to other hobbies, so take this opportunity to sell them to a used sports equipment store or donate them to a charity for resale.

Out-of-Date Documents

If you are like many people, you may have a lot of old documents stored in boxes or desk drawers that no longer have any relevance to your current life. The Internal Revenue Service recommends saving tax returns for 7 years, but after that time, you can shred them and throw them away. Of course, you should keep important documents such as birth certificates, Social Security cards, money and other personal items with you, instead of packing them.

Packing up your belongings for a move requires a ruthless ability to part with items that are no longer needed. Some people find this a difficult process, but it can make your move easier and less expensive. Take a hard look at your belongings and determine which ones are just being kept for old time’s sake. Many items can be thrown out, sold or donated for use by others.

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