Hearing strange noises in your attic in the middle of the night isn’t, by any means, a walk in the park. There’s something truly horrifying about the experience, particularly about that initial feeling of utter terror, because you don’t know what it is.
And you may well continue to be left in the dark (both literally and figuratively) for a while yet, since quite a few critters tend to make their nest in your attic. This happens largely because the attic is an uninhabited area of your home that houses a lot of stuff. This provides excellent cover for intrusive wildlife.
So how can you tell attic noises apart?
The type of noise.
Listen carefully, and be as quiet as you can. Is the noise coming from your attic more like climbing up and down the walls, like a pitter-patter sound, or is it chirpy? If it’s climbing up and down the walls, then you’re most likely looking at rats, mice, or the occasional flying squirrel. If it’s a chirping noise, then it could be bats or birds.
The type of noise can also tell you a lot about the size of the predator. If it sounds like a heavier, stompy sound, then it could be raccoons or opossums. If the noise is lighter, then it’s most likely one of the above-mentioned animals.
The time of day.
Another clear-cut tell-tale sign is the time of day when you hear the noise. If the noises are coming during the night, then it could be raccoons, rats, mice, bats, or a few others. Daytime noises, on the other hand, are much easier to identify, since most of the common wildlife intruders tend to be nocturnal. Indeed, if you’re hearing noises during the daytime, it’s most likely squirrels, which are diurnal by nature. Then again, it could be a rabid raccoon, since those also tend to be active during the daytime.
It’s worth pointing out that whatever it is, you shouldn’t attempt to tackle it yourself. Rather, you should contact a professional wildlife removal service, like A+ Animal Solutions. They are more experienced and have all the proper equipment and protective gear to be able to tackle wildlife unhindered. Also, if you’d like to learn more about the noises you hear in your attic, you can visit atticnoises.com for more information.
If you hear noise in the attic, go up to inspect the damage.
That doesn’t mean you should go up in the attic, not even in the daytime, as that might be dangerous. What you want to do instead is look at the damage from the outside of the home, to conclude what type of animal might be bothering you. Larger entry holes that look like they’ve been torn into your roofing or wall are usually a sign of raccoons, since they have strong, dexterous paws, and are known for tearing things up. Smaller holes, on the other hand, might indicate squirrels or rodents.
Check the feces.
Also keep an eye out for feces, as different animals have different droppings. It’s particularly likely to find them around your roof, or on your property (like in your yard). Raccoon droppings are comparable in size to those of a small dog, while squirrel droppings tend to be more rounded, and are about ¾ of an inch in diameter.
Rat droppings can measure up to 1 cm in length, and are also quite rounded, while mouse droppings are much smaller (usually about 7 mm or less) and are more pointy. This can give a good idea of the animal in your attic.