Get Instant Adjustable Arch Support with SelectFlex Orthotic Inserts

Did you know that the average adult takes 4,000 to 6,000 steps per day and the average woman walks 3 more miles than the average man? 75% of Americans will experience foot problems at one time or another in their lives. 

Optimal alignment beginning with the feet is critical. Flattened or collapsed arches may result in pronated knees, bunions, ankle joint displacement, sprained knees, and meniscus pinching.

Misalignment of the arches causes low back pain, swelling in the feet and legs, varicose veins, and increased chance of knee and hip arthritis. 25% of all the bones in the human body are in your feet. When these bones are out of alignment, so is the rest of your body. Thankfully there is a solution, SelectFlex!

SelectFlex Features

    • 3 Adjustment levels of Flexural Arch Support offering the only instant adjustable orthotic in the world
    • Heel Cup Impact Absorption designed to reduce the force of 7X the body weight landing impact
    • Sizes ranging from Women’s 6-15 and Men’s 5-14.5
    • Reduction of ankle deviation: 50% reduction of ankle inversion

SelectFlex for Active Lifestyles

I am very intrigued with SelectFlex’s adjustable arch support feature. It is designed to increase or decrease the flexural resistance and give your arches optimal support. Each set of SelectFlex Inserts comes with a Turn Adjuster Key. Turn the key to 1, 2, or 3 to adjust each insert to the perfect comfort setting. Some users may require different levels of arch support depending on the conditions of their feet. 

My comfort setting is at 1. After wearing SelectFlex for one day, I woke up the next morning and stepped out of bed pain free. I bent over to put on my socks, no pain. I even walked into the bathroom without tiptoeing!

Honestly, it was around lunch time when it hit me like a ton of bricks. WOW. I’m pain free. My lower back doesn’t hurt. I can bend over and pick up a towel off the floor without pain. My leg and knee does not hurt. I can’t explain the relief I felt.  If you live in chronic pain, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Just to let you know, I did get a little too comfortable and wore my flip flops for 2 days without the SelectFlex Inserts. Yes, I woke up with pain on the 3rd day and realized what I had done differently. You guessed it! I put on my sneakers with the inserts and have been wearing them ever since. 

Don’t delay. Get a pair of SelectFlex for yourself and one for someone you love! 

Save 20% on a pair of SelectFlex!

Use code: Healthy2018 at checkout, HERE! 


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Comments 17
  1. These sound like exactly what my husband needs to ease some lower back and hip pain he so often has. Thanks; I will check these out for him!

  2. I have very flat feet and have ankle pain when walking in addition to back pain. I do use inserts in my shoes and this brand seems perfect for me to try also.

  3. These sound great! My daughter needs inserts for her feet that can be adjusted but they are very expensive and can only be purchased at an orthopedics’ office!

  4. These sound so nice. I am on my feet at work for twelve hours a day. I could really use these. Thank you so much for sharing

  5. These sound so wonderful I have all the aches and pains you mentioned and then some. The price is a little high for my budget so have to think some on this .

  6. My husband has such a problem with hid feet – always in pain. Maybe he should try these!

  7. I have noticed that when I wear my slip on flats my back bothers me. When I wear a tie shoe it does not bother me as much. I think I need to look at these supports.

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