Designing Your Home’s Interior

The old saying goes your home is your castle and even if you think that’s a bit hyperbolic your home is still a place where you spend a good deal of your time. From living room looks to finding kitchen styles, your home should reflect your personal style, taste, and even character. Sadly many homes are quite generic, and you may not even know where to start with a home interior design Los Angeles project. Sometimes all you need to start thinking about a better look for your home is a little inspiration. You could seek this out yourself, or even consult with someone like an interior designer for kitchen to see what their expert eye would do with the space. Here are some of the most popular trends in interior design and while only some of these may fit your taste they are all certain to start giving you ideas.

Ideas For Interior Design

There are several ways to approach the design and core idea of your home, you can take ideas from interior designers such as Helen Coulston if you are after a visual cue for inspiration. Blends of the practical and the whimsical are hardly out of place and many home interior concepts seek a sense of timelessness as well as style. Here are four of the larger themes seen in modern design but remember that mixing and matching ideas to fit your likes is also a common theme in modern design as well.

  • Eco-style: referring to the natural world an eco-style interior is one that favors an overall outdoor theme. This is achieved by using a lot of natural light, mirrors, greenery, and nature prints. Materials favor wood, cotton, silk, stone, bamboo, and other natural materials with a minimum of production.
  • Minimalist: popular design trend also seen in the world of software design is minimalism. Interior minimalist design is based on the idea of practicality. No wasted space or items that don’t serve a purpose or use. Minimalist interiors are clear, simple, and direct. 
  • Neoclassic: the classics never go out of style and neoclassic is a type of interior design focused on classic ideas and concepts. Neoclassic favors a nice amount of furniture and calm tones. Neoclassic homes should be lush and well-proportioned but not overdone. 
  • Blended: finally, sometimes the best idea is to combine the ideas and styles that stand out to you and that you like on a personal level. The hard part of a blended style is to prevent things from becoming too cluttered. By paying attention to proportion and space, and you can avoid your home feeling too small and disorganized. 

The Importance of Colors

A key aspect of interior design is the use of color. Modern trends tend to favor lighter and natural colors such as pinks, cantaloupe, and various shades of green. There is also a place for darker colors with deep blues, dark greens, and mustards seeing use in modern designs. 

Material Ideas

What your furniture is made of can in itself be part of a larger design or style. Modern trends still favor more natural materials. For your interior, you can make use of marble, various types of wood (walnut, oak, ash), glass, and natural metals such as copper, brass, gold, and silver. Fabrics include quality cotton, silks, wool, velvet, and suede. Naturally, your material choices should depend on personal taste, use, and the overall design concept of your home.  

Final Thoughts

When you decide on an interior design for your home your own wants and comforts should be at the forefront. One of the key ideas of modern interior design, no matter how you choose to approach it, is individualism. Your home should reflect you and the things that make you comfortable and relaxed. Specific interests and blends of old and new are seen in modern interior design and an old chair you love can be just as much a part of a home as a stylish metal bookshelf. Above all your home’s theme should please you. 

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