Avoiding an Identity Crisis


Finding yourself isn’t really that difficult when you know where to look

Did you ever play the “who am I” game as a child?  I did and loved it!  My kids loved it just as much.  You describe the animal and your friends have to guess who you are.  This is a fun game, but somehow I got sucked into playing this game with my life.  Constantly trying to find my identity in what I was doing.  That’s a very dangerous game and I almost lost.

I am married. I am not a wife. 

I sing. I am not a singer. 

I teach. I am not a teacher. 

I have children. I am not a mama. 

I write. I am not a writer. 

I have a job. I am not an employee.  

I am …  

What am I?  Who am I?  

This question has haunted me for decades. 

Daily striving.

Striving for what?





Letting my station in life define who I am almost killed me. Not in a literal sense but it may as well have been.  The tragedy of finding fulfillment in what I can do is this:

See, I am a mama.  But that’s not who I am!  I am a wife to a pretty spectacular guy. But that’s not who I am.  

I am so much more than a mama, a wife, a singer, a teacher…  

I am a Child to the most loving eternal Father. 

He loves me. 

He protects me. 

He appreciates me (flaws and all). 

He forgives me time and time again. 

He and He alone completes me. 

Sure, he lets me mother three of His most prized possessions.  He lets me do this life with my high school sweetheart.  He lets me serve with some of the best servant leaders I know at church.  But those roles don’t define me. 

They can’t. 

Those things are callings. And they’re great. But none of those roles are who I am. 

So, who am I?

A daughter of The King. 

I am His. 

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