5 Ways to Elevate Your Children’s Home Playground

Children’s playgrounds are an important aspect of a community. The playgrounds serve as an area for children to have fun while adults socialize. Below are five steps to design a home playground that can make a great play area for your children.

1. Playground Safety First

Is the child safe while playing on the grounds? As much as these children are out to have fun, safety is a very serious issue for kids. Make a checklist of all the anticipated hazards that may arise and follow safety practices when making the playground.

You will need to:

  • Choose rubber for the floor where children play, wood chips sand, or playground turf as alternatives.
  • Use guardrails to prevent falls from higher areas than three feet above ground level
  • Allow six feet distance between play equipment to avoid overcrowding.
  • Provide shade areas to reduce children’s exposure to the sun. Shades will prevent sunburns, heat strokes, and heated surfaces.
  • Fix hazards on the playing area such as loose rocks, cracked cement, roots, and holes on the padded floor.
  • Create clear-sighted barriers to allow parents and guardians to supervise with ease.
  • Provide landing surfaces or impact mats under slides, swings, playsets, trampolines, and other equipment that may prove hazardous.

Also, it is important when you create a play area to assess toys and play equipment if they fit the age group. Also, check if they are in line or meet the safety standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials.

2. Community Collaboration

Whether it’s a daycare playground, neighborhood, or church playground, involve the community. People will invest their time and energy in labor and thoughtful advice and feedback to enrich the final design.

It is important to hold meetings to discuss:

  • Surveys, reviews, and opinions of what the community wants from the playground.
  • Determine the importance of courts and playing fields in the community.
  • Ask whether the playground should include a secluded area for educational events.
  • Get the communities to conserve the environment while creating a new playground.

3. Accessibility to All Families

A good playground accommodates children of all ages and different abilities. This feature is important because all children should enjoy the playground. A good playground includes pathways that are wide enough to be used by children with wheelchairs, Elevations, and ramps to move from one surface to another smoothly. Additionally, equipment and activities of different and interesting challenges, quiet areas for tired kids, and sensory toys and elements such as brightly colored play panels and musical instruments.

4. Playground Made For Different Kinds of Play

Create a playground that allows exercises, creativity, and sensory stimulation. A good play area should allow children to choose the kind of play they find more engaging. First, the types of play include Solitary play that may involve crafts and puzzles. Secondly, Sensory that stimulates such as music and sandcastle building. Thirdly, parallel play involves swinging or team sport playing with others, and lastly, active and cooperative play, which involves playing tag and team sports that involve teamwork.

Hazards such as placing a swing next to a sandbox are a bad idea. An accident might happen anytime, and it’s wise for you to separate the play zones. Kids who want to daydream, talk or use a musical toy may not play well around children running around screaming. It’s wise for you to start with a list of equipment needed in the playground to know how many play zones you need.

Passive play zones are for quiet kids who prefer silence or sensory stimuli. The extra spacing also provides ground safety and easy supervision. It is important to play as an adult by keeping the playground simple so that kids find it easier and fun to fill in the blanks.

5. Nature Amenities in the Playground

When creating a playground, an attractive landscape is essential and engaging to the children. However, you do not have to build from scratch. You can preserve your playground area’s wildlife, topography, and trees. Bushes and leafy trees provide a natural shade, while fields and hills encourage exploration and active play.

Outdoor benches, water fountains, and tables for picnics improve the playground’s appeal. The natural resources around can make the playground have a more natural touch. The grass area and shades can also be where parents sit to watch their children play while they sit and rest.


All in all, these are key pointers to check while making a playground for better play.

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