5 Steps to Making Your Home Ready for Company

When you’re expecting company, you want your home to make a good impression. Whether you are preparing for a holiday or just expecting guests, there are a few things you’ll need to do to prepare your house. Follow these five steps to get your home ready for guests.

Vacuum and Sweep

One of the first things you should do is sweep and vacuum the floors. If you have carpets, vacuuming is a must to remove any dirt, dust, and pet hair that may be stuck to it. Pay closer attention to popular rooms like the bathroom, kitchen, and living room where your guests will probably be spending the most time.


Be sure to wipe off any dust that has gathered on your counters, tables, appliances, and other surfaces. Not only does dust make your home look dirty but it can also exacerbate your guest’s allergies. Don’t forget hard to reach areas and crevices, too.

Clean the Bathroom

You should focus most of your cleaning efforts in the bathroom as it is the most important room in your home. Spend some time wiping down the fixtures, mopping the floors, scrubbing the toilet, and cleaning your bathtub. This will ensure that your guests are comfortable in your home, no matter how long they are staying in your home.

Set up the Guest Room

If your company will be staying with you overnight, be sure to set up the guest room, if you have one. Put clean sheets on the bed, vacuum the floors, and place clean towels in the room. If you do not have a guest room, make sleeping arrangements for your guests. Set up the pullout couch, get out the air mattress, or make other preparations.

Call a Pest Control Company

If you have an issue with pests, be sure to get this problem taken care of before your company arrives. Regardless of whether you have mice in your basement or bed bugs in your home, you should contact a pest control company such as Premier Termite & Pest Control to take care of it. The last thing you want is a pest to bother your guest. Not only will this freak out your company, but it will also leave a bad impression.

When preparing your house for company, cleaning is the most important thing you must do. You want your guests to feel comfortable and welcome when they’re staying in your home. By following the tips above, you can make sure that they do.

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