We all like a good movie that intrigues us and grasps our minds. Any movie that can transport me to a time that was or a time that will be is acceptable in my books. There have been the odd occasions where things that were on screen eventually became reality. Things we could not possibly fathom actually happen after the movie is aired. This may be a month after the movie comes out or perhaps years later. These movie predictions that has come true made us look out for more to come. It is both exciting and scary at the same time but cannot be denied. With a growth in our online activity big data vendors are not the only ones winning.
Popular predictions include inventions predicted by the simpsons. I remember the first time I saw the list of predictions that actually came true. The smartwatch was one of those predictions and today it is nothing new. An airplane restaurant might have seemed crazy back when the episode was aired but today we cannot imagine a flight without some yummy meals. It did not stop there because a company in Colorado actually opened an airplane restaurant. Let’s not forget the invention prediction of auto-correct. Today auto-correct both help us and annoy us at the same time.
Now we are on the lookout for some possible new movie invention predictions for 2018. Here is a list of the top 5 predictions that may come true in 2018.
1. Suit of Armor (Iron Man)
The nearly indestructible suit of armor in Iron Man is something we hope is invented by 2018. I do believe however that this will be exclusive to the elite and rich crowd during times of war or danger. With everything happening in the world right now, this might be used to protect country Presidents’ or politicians. It may seem ridiculous right now but if you really think about all the past predictions, we never thought it was possible or appropriate.
2. Med Bay (Elysium)
We are constantly having huge breakthroughs in our medical facilities. Doctors are working nonstop to find a cure for cancer and other incurable ailments. In the movie this bed with a rotating lamp basically cures all illnesses. It cured cancer, broken bones and basically any disease the patient have. Perhaps the bed won’t work exactly the same but we are discovering more and more cures. There may actually come a time in the near future where our scientists have found a cure for all types of sickness. This is not too farfetched because we are evolving and technology is helping us develop better medical care.
3. Roll up Piano (Star Trek)
Listen, our music industry is amazing right now and we have the best inventors on the planet. A roll up piano is not impossible. It just takes the right person with the right skills to make this a reality. Being a piano player, I can just imagine how convenient it would be to be able to carry it around. Guitar players, trumpet players and even saxophone players can all carry their instruments around and practice wherever they find themselves. It is a big of a impossible job to carry a piano around. We are not far away from a portable piano to give musicians with this skill the opportunity to practice and perform anywhere.
4. Contact lenses (I-Spy)
Perhaps the government already uses these but we don’t know for sure so let’s just list them. In the movie these contact lenses worked as cameras with microphones. Even though this was used so that Owen Wilson could make a love connection with the help of Eddie Murphy, we can use these for so much more. Imagine an undercover cop going into a hostile environment and does not have to wear a wire anymore. These lenses would not be easily detected and could save a life. If the government really wants to invest in these kinds of lenses it can totally be done.
5. Magnetic Boots (Badshah)
We have seen these types of magnetic boots in more than just one movie but the character in Badshah displays these well. It’s almost like being Spider man but with webs attached to your feet. Imagine all the elevators you could skip. All we need is a really smart individual to put some time and energy into creating these and we will all be walking up buildings soon.
Nothing is ever impossible these days. We see technology changing by the hour. We have big data providers giving us all we need to research basically anything. There are people behind the scenes working on new inventions daily. It is just a matter of time before we see some new inventions from movies come to life.