4 Tips to Help Choose the Best Swimming Pool for Your Property

One of the most common misconceptions regarding the installation of the pool in your backyard is that the money is the greatest obstacle in your way. This, however, doesn’t necessarily need to be so. Sure, if you wanted to have a massive pool with an artistic mural at the bottom and all sorts of expensive accessories like a heat pump, chemicals tank and underwater light it would cost you a small fortune.

On the other hand, there is also the option of going with something more compact and frugal. Here, nonetheless, your greatest problem will be finding a way to synchronize the size and the shape of the pool with the overall layout of your property, which on its own isn’t an easy thing. Here are four tips that will help you choose the best swimming pool for your own backyard.

Measure the space you have

Naturally, the first thing you need to do before you even start is measure the space you have available. Sure, you may know how big your backyard is supposed to be, but now you need to know the exact amount of usable space you have available. We are talking about what you get once you subtract all the obstacles such as trees, shrubbery or some backyard objects such as a swing or a sandbox. After you are done with this, you will have to make a choice of whether to go with an in-ground or an above-ground pool. Needless to say, the first option is more space-consuming than the latter.

Make a choice of the shape

The next thing you need to worry about is the shape of the pool. There are three major criteria based on which you should make this choice. First, there is the available space you have. Some shapes of the pool are more compact than the others, which is a knowledge that can definitely come in handy. Second, you need to count in any obstacles in your path. For example, a kidney-shaped pool can avoid a garden obstacle and in this way overcome the necessity to remove it. Finally, a personal preference also plays a vital role in the choice. The major options you have available are free form, Roman, geometric, circular and the aforementioned kidney-shaped.

Choose the material

Once you are done with the choice of the shape and the type, you need to address the issue of the material. Here, you have several choices. Each of them has its advantages and drawbacks. For example, concrete can be formed in any shape or size and it is the strongest and the most durable of them all. Unfortunately, it is also quite expensive, which makes it not-so-viable for those on a short budget. Vinyl is less expensive and its damaged liners are easy to fix, but they come in limited shapes and sizes. As for the fiberglass, it is the cheapest and the quickest to install, but it needs to be set up with a crane, which means that you will need to have a lot of space on disposal and no overhead wires.

Checking local companies

Finally, while making your pool installation into a DIY project may seem possible, it is definitely not the smartest thing to do. You see, this is a complex, one-time operation which definitely deserves a professional touch. This is why you need to check the reputation sheet of the companies in your area and see what they have to offer. For example, if you are located somewhere in the Queensland, your safest course of action would be to search for a company that installs swimming pools in Brisbane area. On their website, they might have the pool type you like on display, which can make your life a lot easier.

While everyone assumes that the installation of the pool is a difficult job, most people are completely unaware of the fact that even choosing the right pool can be exhausting. Although it requires a lot of research, keep in mind that this is a project you probably won’t have to engage in again. From that perspective, pulling it off properly the first time around definitely seems like a good idea.


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