Your roofing system may have a set service life, but you can take some measures to ensure you get a few more years out of it. This means dealing with any issue promptly through a roofing repair service, especially in the case of storm damage. After all, extreme rain, hail, and wind won’t just lead to a compromised system. When left unattended, the damage they’ve caused can worsen, allowing for leaks and other problems encompassing your living spaces. High winds, in particular, are especially risky because of their extensive and harmful effects to your roof.
What Makes Wind Damage a Big Deal?
Most high winds occur because of the outflow generated by the downdraft of a thunderstorm, accounting for damage related to half of every severe storm reported in the U.S. Wind speeds can reach up to 100mph, resulting in a damage extending for hundreds of miles. Storms may come and go with your roof apparently intact, but this doesn’t mean your system has not sustained any damage.
UP, UP, AND AWAY. Blown-off shingles are just one of the things you should expect following extreme wind speeds.
Checking Your Roof for Wind Damage
The only way to know for sure is to perform a visual inspection of your roofing system. You can grab a pair of binoculars, head outside your home, and take a closer look at your roof from the ground. Being aware of the warning signs allows you to identify problems and find solutions quickly, preventing further damage. Here are some of the warning signs you should watch for:
● Damaged Shingles. Your roof is designed to resist high winds to an extent—this will depend on the material’s weight and its wind rating. However, strong winds brought by stormy weather can loosen or blow the shingles off your roof. They may even find their way underneath the roof’s surface via gaps in eaves and fascia, lifting the material upwards and out. This leaves your roof exposed to water penetration. If your system has large patches of missing shingles, it will require wind damage roof repair from a trusted contractor.
● Raised Shingle Nails. Strong winds can loosen or even detach the nails and staples that keep your shingles secure. These nails should be underneath the edges of the overlapping material. Without roofing nails keeping the material attached to the structure, roof leaks are a definite possibility.
● Torn or Weathered Flashing. A crucial roofing component, flashing covers the most vulnerable areas of your system, such as joints where chimneys, vents, skylights, and dormers are found. Enough high wind can wear flashing seals away, making it easy for water to enter your home through roof perforations.
● Signs of Impact Damage. Hailstones aren’t the only thing that can create dents or cracks on your roofing system. Extreme winds can pick up considerable debris of varying sizes, damaging your roof upon impact. This can create gaps and other perforations which ultimately lead to leaks.
● Loosened Gutters. High winds can loosen your gutter system from its fasteners, and the slight change in position may affect its draining performance. If your gutters aren’t old or clogged but are pulling away from your home, it may have suffered wind damage. To prevent further damage and restore its draining ability, consult an expert in residential roofing services for the best solutions.
● Water Stains Inside Your Home. It’s generally a good idea to check your home’s interior, as well. Water streaks and stains, moisture damage, discolored walls, and peeling paint can all indicate moisture intrusion, which could have arisen from a wind-damaged roof. Check your attic for further dampness and leaks—make sure the space’s insulation is still intact and the ventilation in good working order.
AN INSIDE LOOK. A wind-damaged roof results in leaks, as evidenced by water stains and streaks in your home’s interior.
Dealing with a Wind-Damaged Roof
If you see any or all of these indications, you should turn to a reliable roofing contractor in your area promptly and have it fixed. Wind damage will do a lot more than just compromise your roof’s performance if you wait too long to address issues. To avoid further problems, make sure to invest in:
● Roof Repairs. Have your roof examined thoroughly by a premier contractor for signs of damage following extreme wind speeds in your area. An initial inspection from you helps a lot, but it pays to turn to a professional to make sure you haven’t missed anything. They’ll perform the necessary repair work so your roof can continue delivering the superior weather protection you’ve come to expect. Roof repair doesn’t just restore your system—it also helps extend its service life.
If storm damage is covered by your insurance, have your roofer assess your system’s condition first before commencing with the repair. They can help you accurately and completely evaluate the extent of wind damage to augment your claim. This way, you can get adequate coverage for the repair and restoration work involved.
● Roof Replacement. When repairs aren’t enough to deal with a wind-damaged roof, you should consider investing in a more permanent solution instead–roof replacement. A newer, more durable system ensures longer-lasting weather performance, so you no longer have to worry about wind damage as much. Just make sure to schedule regular inspections and maintenance work to keep your new roof in top form all year round.
Finding the Right Roofing Contractor
Roof repair or replacement, however, is only as good as the contractor you’ve hired for the job. The days following a major weather event may bring fly-by-night contractors coming out of the woodwork. Steer clear of these “storm chasers” and ask friends and family for local referrals instead.
HIRING A PRO. Repair or replacement offer fast solutions to a wind-damaged roof as long as you hire the right professional for the job.
You can further narrow down the selection by making sure your prospective contractor is licensed to perform roofing work in your area. Aside from offering a legitimate business, a licensed roofer will have deep knowledge of local building codes and regulations to ensure your project adheres to safety standards. For your greater protection, ask them for proof of insurance, including workers’ compensation and liability coverage. This way, you can avoid potential litigation and additional costs should an accident occur on your property. In addition, you should choose a roofer with manufacturer certifications because they can offer access to high-quality products and generous warranty terms.
High winds can do a number on your home but you can easily and quickly address issues by knowing when to call a professional roofer for help. From the inspection to the actual repair or replacement, roofing contractors can take care of your concerns, getting your system back into shape in no time. Wind damage is nothing to be ignored but, fortunately, help is available when you need it.
Author Bio:
Parker Cornaby has owned Lifetime Roofing for 10 years and has been in the industry since 2000. Parker is actively involved in the roofing process with both residential and commercial projects of Lifetime Roofing.
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