What Risks Do Motorcyclists Face on the Roads?

Motorcycle crashes can lead to life-threatening injuries that can easily become fatal. Motorcyclists are often seen as being “bad boys” who break the law at every turn. This isn’t at all how motorcyclists actually behave. Instead, they’re very safe drivers who just want to enjoy their ride.

Even when they’re driving safely, motorcyclists are still at the mercy of other drivers. Many people don’t realize that in two-thirds of crashes that involve a motorcycle and another vehicle, the other vehicle is the cause of the crash. This is usually due to them violating the right of way of the motorcyclist.

Why are Motorcyclists at Risk?

Motorcyclists are at risk of being struck by motorists because many drivers don’t watch for them. The small profile of the motorcycle makes it easy for these drivers to overlook, but that doesn’t excuse the drivers’ behavior.

To help minimize the risk, you can find custom Honda dirt bike graphics to help increase visibility on the road, making it easier to draw attention. Bright colors and reflective materials make your bike more visible in low-light conditions and reduce the chances of an accident.

Drivers must be especially careful at intersections. This is one of the most dangerous places for motorcyclists. Items near the intersection, including bushes and parked vehicles, can block a motorcycle. Around 70% of crashes between a motorcycle and another vehicle occur at intersections.

What Other Hazards do Motorcyclists Face?

There are many other hazards that motorcyclists have to deal with when they’re on the road. One of these is the quality of the roadway. Uneven pavement and ruts in the road are two serious issues because they cause the motorcyclist to lose control of the motorcycle.

Another issue that most people don’t think about is grass clippings. When a person cuts the grass and allows the clippings to go into the road, they put motorcycles at risk. These clippings are similar to driving on ice and can lead the motorcyclist to lose control of the vehicle.

Motorcycles must be in good shape when they’re on the roadway. Motorcyclists sometimes succumb to a high-speed wobble, which occurs when the front of the motorcycle begins to wobble. Meanwhile, if you want to ensure your safety and prevent those hazards, especially if your ride is already old, you should be ready to sell your motorcycle and opt for a safe and comfortable ride instead. It may be heartbreaking to consider selling your motorcycle, but it promotes your safety, and the extra cash can help finance a more convenient ride or another large purchase. Remember, it’s your money and your choice to take better care of yourself.

How are Motorcyclists Affected by Crashes?

A motorcyclist is likely to suffer a serious injury in a crash. They’re five times more likely to be injured than people in a passenger vehicle. They’re also 26 times more likely to die in a wreck. These are some very staggering statistics that should encourage all drivers to respect the right of motorcyclists to enjoy the roads.

Considerable medical care is necessary after a motorcycle crash. This can include immediate injury care in an emergency department, physical therapy, surgery, and a host of other treatments. All of this can come at a time when the victim can’t go to work because of their injuries. They’ll have to deal with an increase in expenses while handling life with a reduction in income.

One option that victims have is seeking compensation. Working with someone, such as the team at VarnerFaddis.com, familiar with this area of law is beneficial for the victims because they can focus on healing while the legal team handles the personal injury claim. Colorado has time limits in place for filing these claims, so be sure to consider that if you want to seek compensation.

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