Should You Consider Plastic Surgery After Child Birth?


Pregnancy can be hell on a woman’s body. It might be the miracle of life, but it’s far from a miracle for your body. The rapid weight gain and hormonal changes cause quite a few side effects. It’s one of the most intense transformations our bodies can go through. Knowing this, it’s no surprise that there are some negative drawbacks to pregnancy. After giving birth, a woman’s body might not look or feel as good as it used to. Because of this, many young Australian women are wondering how to get an aesthetic body through exercise and some of them even choose to employ surgeons to take care of the issues caused by pregnancy. The question on everyone’s mind is whether or not it’s worth it. 

Pregnancy is tough on your breasts

Let’s not sugarcoat the situation, pregnancy does a number on many of our body’s systems. One of the more unexpected areas that are affected are the breasts. Even though they’re essential for feeding the baby after birth, the breasts can end up growing painful and misshapen. It’s not uncommon for the breasts to lose their shape or shrink after the pregnancy is done. Very few mothers-to-be know that their breasts are going to take quite a beating from hormones during pregnancy. 

While this might not be common knowledge for some mothers, the story is very familiar to plastic surgeons all throughout Australia. They are often paid visits from new mothers that have experienced these changes first hand. The only problem is deciding whether or not to go with surgery. If the mother is still feeding her child, it might be advisable to wait a while before heading under the knife. If the changes make it harder to breastfeed the child, surgery might be the best course of action in such a situation.

Hormones change a lot of things


Pregnancy subjects your body to the will of your hormones. All of the changes that you notice on your body are the result of high or low levels of certain hormones. Just about every part of your body is affected to some degree.

Unfortunately, this can lead to some unsightly results. When the hormones go away, many of the changes remain. What if some of these changes don’t sit well with you? Pregnant women sometimes notice their love handles increasing and staying bigger after giving birth. It’s no surprise because these hormones affect fat distribution and levels throughout the body. If you don’t want this postpartum effect to stay permanent, you can always alter it surgically.  

While hormones might have certain permanent effects, surgery can always one-up them. Whether it’s dealing with underarm flabby skin or handling love handles, surgery can remedy the situation. However, it’s not something you want to subject yourself to unless you’re absolutely sure you want some surgery.

Stretch marks galore

Some of the changes you experience during pregnancy are just skin deep. Still, that doesn’t mean that they can’t affect your body confidence. Stretch marks are a prime example. During pregnancy, they start appearing in places where you might not expect nor want them. They’re especially prominent on pregnant bellies. 

It’s no wonder, considering how much the abdomen grows during pregnancy. It’s a miracle that the skin can even stretch that long, so it’s understandable that you might get marks all over your belly skin.

No matter where you’ve acquired stretch marks, you probably won’t be enjoying the sight of them. If you intend to get rid of them, just know you’re in for a long and bumpy road. Creams and ointments don’t work for everyone. Treating stretch marks is most effective when they’re done in-office. Micro-needling is considered a new and invaluable tool when dealing with stretch marks, so it might be worth checking out.

Pregnant belly changes

One of the most noticeable changes pregnant women will experience is their belly rapidly expanding. If you’ve ever seen a pregnant belly up close, you’ll know that the skin looks like it’s under a lot of pressure. The muscles don’t fare all that better either. To stretch the abdomen to make way for the baby, the abdominal wall muscles need to get out of the way. In some cases, the abdominal wall stretches and stays misaligned, causing a lot of problems for the mother after birth.

It’s not unheard of for the abdominal wall to stay in a weakened state after childbirth. This can cause a host of problems for the mother. For one, it becomes difficult and painful to use these muscles. It also puts the mother at risk for hernias that can damage the intestines. This is why many young Australian mothers opt for abdominoplasty surgeries to help repair their abdominal muscles. A few months after childbirth,  mothers are eager to find a cosmetic surgeon in Canberra to help relieve their abdominal wall problems.

Abdominoplasty surgery can remedy most of the issues that pregnancy causes to a woman’s abdomen. It can get the muscles back on track and prevent the skin from sagging too much. After this surgical procedure, an exercise regime must be practised to maintain abdominal wall muscle integrity.

Discolouration is everywhere


Another surprising downside of the influx of pregnancy hormones is the rapid discolouration of parts of your skin. If stretch marks weren’t enough of an aesthetic hassle, you also have to deal with melasma. Melasma is a hyperpigmentation of your skin, which means patches of your skin get darker. It’s a pretty common occurrence in pregnancy. After giving birth, the hormones decreasing won’t lead to the pigmentations reversing. It’s something you’re pretty much stuck with.

The worst part of melasma is that it most commonly affects the face area. It’s often found on the cheeks, chin, and parts of the upper lip. If the idea of permanent discolouration didn’t sound bad enough, the fact that it happens in the face area definitely cements it as a terrifying change. 

These lingering patches can be taken care of, but it takes a bit of effort. These parts of your skin mustn’t be exposed to a lot of sunlight. This can worsen the condition and possibly cause further spots to appear. To solve the spots themselves, you can resort to occasional chemical peels or surgery.

What about the potential ill-effects?

Surgery always sounds like a good idea on paper, but lots of people find themselves reconsidering as the date of the surgery approaches. It probably has something to do with the fact that surgery is very invasive. For paranoid and sceptic individuals, surgery can seem like a nightmare.

What if something goes horribly wrong? It’s a common fear among those who are supposed to go under the knife. Unfortunately, there’s always a tiny risk of the surgery going wrong and the patient being injured or ending up unsatisfied with the results. However, this doesn’t mean that this fear is reasonable. These mistakes happen once in a blue moon and rarely do they occur during common and superficial surgeries. 

There are more pressing things to worry about in life rather than focusing on surgery risks. Most surgical mistakes can be easily remedied with another surgery. Even if your surgeon happens to make a mistake, you can count on the practice to correct the issue as soon as possible.


Post-partum surgical procedures are as popular as ever. Women want to feel attractive and whole in their bodies, even after something as dramatic as pregnancy. Surgery is just one way of many that can help women regain their body positivity after pregnancy. It’s a pretty effective solution that can give you instantaneous and permanent results. It’s why so many young Australian mothers are interested in post-partum surgery. 

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