As the winter months approach, it’s time to start thinking about maintaining your air conditioning unit. You may think that your AC unit is only necessary during the summer months, but it’s important not to neglect it during the winter. Neglecting your unit for months on end can result in costly repairs in the future. There are some simple steps you can take to ensure that your air conditioning unit is well-maintained and ready to function when the warmer months arrive. In this blog post, we will guide you through the necessary air conditioning maintenance steps to take for the long winter months.
Clean or Replace Air Filters
The first step in maintaining your air conditioning unit is to clean or replace its air filters. Dirty filters can hinder the airflow in your AC unit, reducing its efficiency. This can force your unit to work harder, leading to higher energy bills and reduced cooling capacity. Cleaning or replacing the filters of air conditioning units is quite easy and can be done within a few minutes. Start by checking your unit’s manual or consulting a professional for guidance on how to clean or replace your unit’s air filters.
Protect Your Unit from The Elements
Your air conditioning unit is exposed to the elements year-round, but winter can be particularly harsh. Snow, ice, and debris can all damage your AC unit, and water build-up can result in rust and corrosion. To prevent damage, it’s important to protect your unit from the elements. Cover your unit with a protective cover or tarp, making sure that it’s securely tied down. Be sure to remove snow and debris from the cover regularly to prevent buildup, which can damage the unit.
Check and Clean Coils
The coils of your air conditioning unit play an important role in heat transfer. As such, they can accumulate dirt and debris, making them less efficient. This can result in a decrease in performance and increased energy bills. To avoid this, it’s important to check and clean your AC coils regularly. Start by turning off the power, removing the cover, and using a soft brush to clean the coils. Use gentle water pressure to remove anything that is stuck on the coils and avoid using chemicals or abrasive materials.
Inspect Wiring and Components
Checking the wiring and components of your air conditioning unit is an essential part of its maintenance. Inspect the wiring and components of your AC unit for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any wear or damage, it’s important to contact a professional to have them repaired or replaced. Never attempt electrical work yourself unless you are a professional. Professional servicing and inspection can prevent system failure, safety issues, and costly repairs down the road.
Schedule a Professional Inspection
No matter how diligent you are in maintaining your air conditioning unit, it’s essential to schedule a professional inspection. A professional can detect and correct any problems before they become major issues. This can include checking and repairing refrigerant levels, testing the performance of the compressor, testing the unit’s electrical connections, and more. Hiring a professional technician to perform a thorough inspection ahead of the summer months can save you time and money in the long run.
Proper maintenance of your air conditioning unit during the winter months can save you time and money in the long run. Following the tips listed in this blog post can help you maintain your unit’s efficiency and prevent costly repairs down the road. Always remember to schedule a professional inspection from a company like Witkowski Mechanical, clean or replace your unit’s air filters, protect it from the elements, check and clean coils, and inspect wiring and components. These simple steps can ensure that your AC unit will be in good shape and ready to handle the heat when summer arrives.