Swollen feet are a very common side effect of pregnancy but can be uncomfortable and hinder movement. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to ease this swelling and continue with your day as freely as possible! Here are a couple of facts about why your feet swell during pregnancy, and what you can do to help ease this:
What can help?
One of the things that may help with edema is wearing compression socks during pregnancy. These socks help by improving the blood flow in your feet and legs. They put constant, gentle pressure on the area, causing the blood vessels and muscles to relax. There are many styles and sizes of compression socks, and it is important to choose the pairs that are right for you.
You can choose various sock lengths; longer knee-length versions are great for reducing swelling in the whole lower leg, but many different versions are available, such as ankle socks, and you can pick the style that works best for you. The level of compression is another factor to consider. This is essentially how tight the socks are. If the sock is too loose, it will not fit properly and won’t put enough pressure on the desired area. Similarly, socks that are too tight will be uncomfortable and painful and could cause further problems. It is best to ask an expert about compression socks, and your doctor will be able to best advise you and answer any questions you may have.
When you are pregnant, your body creates an excess of fluids to help your baby develop and soften your body, allowing it to expand as the baby grows and opening up certain joints and tissues to prepare for birth. This includes bodily fluids such as blood. The medical term for this is edema, and it can also occur as a result of many other things, including illness and injury. During pregnancy, you may find other areas of your body swelling, such as your face, hands, and legs. Edema can occur any time during your pregnancy but is common in the fifth month and throughout the third trimester.
Other contributing factors
There are a couple of other things that can contribute to edema during pregnancy. Eating lots of foods that are rich in sodium, too much caffeine, being on your feet all day or even summer heat are just a few things that can make edema more prominent. As well as wearing compression socks, you can help reduce swelling in a number of ways. These include increasing your potassium intake, drinking lots of water, wearing comfy shoes, and resting with your feet elevated.
Even though edema is common during pregnancy, it is important to have regular health checks and to contact your specialist with any issues or questions. These socks are a small investment that can help ease any swelling day to day, and make you feel a little more comfortable. A nylon blend infused with silver is a great mixture of comfort and style, and the silver helps to fight moisture, odor, and bacteria.