Making The Best Of Road Trips With Your Children – Travel Tips

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“Are we there yet?” Have you ever heard that?  I can say yes, a million times over! 

Technology and toys can silence backseat conversations, and that is okay some days. However, spending quality time together in the car during a road trip can be a great opportunity for making memories while bonding and learning. Here are some ideas that are sure to make road trips easier with children:

  • Say goodbye to your trusted GPS! Bring back the memory of car trips as a kid and use a road map! The night before your trip bring out an actual map (if you can find one!) to highlight your route with your child.
  • Allow time for pit stops – and if time allows, make short stops that include fun activities along the way. Everyone will need a bathroom break and a meal.  Try to choose a place right off the highway, near a playground.  This will allow them to burn off some energy and help keep your sanity!
  • Hit up a dollar store before you leave and stock up on small toys and/or activities to give to your kids along the way. Every hour let your child choose a surprise – this makes a great reward for good behavior!


Comments 8
  1. I did not travel too often with my children when they were young. But this advice is definitely good and needed advice.

  2. We moved across country when my kids were 7 and 9. We made lots of pit stops and tried to see things along the way. We stopped at Salt Lake, saw buffalo in Wyoming and saw the Mississipi River in Iowa. It was stressful but also fun.

  3. I remember car trips with my brother. we always had a line down the middle but lots of stuff to do

  4. I love road trips and have done a number of them as an adult. We only did one when I was a child and I still have strong happy memories of it decades later.

  5. Thank you for the great tips. Our kids are grown but still travel a little with the grandkids.

  6. Oh traveling with children. A thing we do often since we live over 1,000 miles from our families. It can be a huge deal. Lol. Thanks for sharing these tips.

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