If you think being a travel nurse is all about sipping on Pina Coladas on an exotic island while poking patients with needles from time to time, you’re wrong! Au contraire, the life of a travel nurse comes with unexpected challenges even if you have that enough nursing salary. Looking for healthy meals or pinning down a grocer with organic supplies in an unfamiliar town may be difficult without Google. And let’s not begin with being unable to score a sound sleep in unfamiliar lodgings, hooping through time zones, and being unable to stick to the same gym because of the extensive traveling. Whether you are a rookie travel nurse or have been on the road for a while, you can relate to all these things, right?
However, no matter what the circumstances are, you must not jeopardize your health. All you need to do is adopt specific hacks in your daily routine, and your life will become blissful. Keep in mind that you need to make sure that when you are on the job you are also doing the optimum for your health and comfort, this includes ensuring your uniform is spacious and breathable. So make sure to stock up on the Best Scrub Tops For Nurses, as well as pants, to help you withstand the long days. Without further ado, we’ve compiled a few additional healthy hacks below.
Create a timetable
Sounds nostalgic? A timetable helped to make academic life more straightforward and manageable. Even now, this simple technique can help you achieve the ideal work-life balance, which will be impossible when you’re constantly changing locations. So, pen down the things you want to add to your daily routine and act right away.
Following a schedule may seem hard at first, but it will help you incorporate the habits you need for a healthy lifestyle. Allocate time for exercise, rest, and leisure around your work hours. Remember to include time for self-care activities, such as a day at the spa. If you’re studying to upskill your nursing practice, enroll in an online Masters in Nursing to add more flexibility to your schedule. By creating a timetable, you’ll be able to accomplish more tasks without compromising your well-being.
Stay hydrated
As a nurse, you must be aware of how water powers cells in your body. Nurses stay active round the clock and thus lose more water than the average person. Not only does drinking water quench your thirst, but it also fights off fatigue and drowsiness, keeps you active, and promotes clearer thinking. So, when you feel sleepiness taking control over you while working, rehydrate yourself.
A simple tip is to start your day with a glass of water. The benefits you gain in return will reinforce this habit. And ultimately, you will find yourself taking in six to eight glasses of water, the ideal water requirement of an adult. If you’re a forgetful person, download an app and set a reminder to drink. When you’re on the go, always carry a water bottle with you.
Eat healthy as often as possible
When running around the clock, having a healthy meal may seem hard. Moreover, it can be hard to find healthy food options when you’re in an unfamiliar location. Still, it is best to resist the temptation to eat easily accessible junk food.
A simple way to overcome bad eating habits is to pack yourself a container filled with fruits and vegetables. You can Google healthy and quick-to-make recipes that require few ingredients to prepare food when you’re on the go. A quick local search can also help you locate healthy spots to dine in or order take-out if you’re too tired to prepare meals.
Exercise daily
As a travel nurse, sometimes it may feel hard enough to pass your shift without collapsing, come back to your loft, take a nap, get up, and repeat the same. Moreover, you may feel spending on a gym membership is pointless since you’ll relocate soon.
However, if you want to stay fit, exercise is a must. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It may range from taking a brisk walk, doing some yoga, or lifting a pair of dumbbells at home. If all else fails, tune in to your favorite playlist and dance for 30 minutes. Simple, right? All you need for a workout is motivation to keep yourself healthy and focused on your work.
Take a nap whenever possible
According to CDC, adults require about 7-9 hours of shut-eye to recharge. But they mostly fail to clock in enough hours of rest every day. The primary consequence of sleep deprivation is fatigue, which may hinder your work performance. Fatigue induces apathy, which jeopardizes your physical health. But how can you manage to squeeze in enough hours of sleep as a travel nurse?
Avoid eating heavy meals, and reduce consuming caffeine and other stimulants before bedtime to enhance your sleep quality. To sleep peacefully in a foreign place, use earplugs or a white noise machine to shut off distractions. As a last resort, light a lavender candle in your sleeping space. Lavender has the power to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep by slowing down the heart rate and relaxing the muscles.
Find your stress reduction technique
Stress is inevitable in a travel nurse’s work life. Some everyday stress inducers are following time constraints to complete assigned tasks, conflicts with the management, and dealing with different people in a foreign location. And stress is known to be the root cause of many psychological disorders like depression, mood disorders, etc.
There are numerous ways to manage workplace stress. Techniques like yoga, meditation, and exercising can help you relieve stress. Before stress starts to get the better of you, incorporate any of these stress-relieving techniques and make the most of your career.
Whatever your motivation is to become a travel nurse, you need to stay healthy to give the profession your best. Your health comes first, and everything else comes after. While on the go, you may deprioritize your health. However, this behavior will cost you in the long run. Before your work life takes a toll on your physical and mental health, incorporate any of the hacks mentioned before. Or, try all of them and see the difference.
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