Interesting Facts About Your Teeth According to Dentists

Choppers, grinders, fangs, and tusks, these are only but a few nicknames we give our teeth. We’ve come to a point in our lives where it’s an easy visit to our local Roanoke dentist if we need a quick clean or fix. But centuries ago, when there weren’t any dentists around, our teeth took quite a bashing. 

Needless to say, our choppers are a very interesting part of our bodies. Without them, we won’t be able to bite through tough food or look good in a photo while smiling. Here are a few other interesting facts, we bet you didn’t know about your teeth. 

Duration of Brushing

A simple study has proven that the average citizen spends a total of 39 days of their life brushing their fangs. Almost 60% of all humans brush their teeth every single morning and night, some even after every meal. 

With an average brushing duration of 45-70 seconds each time, people take their dental cleaning rituals pretty seriously. Even though the recommended brushing time is at least 2-3 minutes. 

Dental Plaque

It sounds pretty gross, but dental plaque consists of 300 types of bacteria. When you neglect taking care of plaque build-up it can create a stubborn surface that isn’t as easy to remove. A dental hygienist will be able to remove stubborn stains and plaque build-up with specialized tools.

The bacteria Streptococcus mutans is the main culprit in converting carbs and sugars into harmful acids. Keep your mouth fresh and clean to avoid these bacteria to cause harm. 

Now and Then Dental Care

It has been proven that 60% of people would rather use blue and white toothpaste than red and white one. Even though toothpaste seems like a pretty modern hygienic aid, toothpaste dates back to as early as 500 B.C. 

The ancient Greeks cleaned their teeth with a mixture between coral powder and iron rust. Luckily, toothbrushes evolved greatly over the past few decades. Long ago, people would use tree twigs bunched up together to chew on. 

The dentist always advises that you should take good care of your teeth to ensure a gorgeous smile long in the future. Your eating and even sleeping habits can have a great effect on your choppers. 

Studies have proven that those who drink more than 3 glasses of soda each day, struggle with tooth decay, tooth loss, and mandatory fillings. Take care of your teeth by following these healthy tips

Just Like Finger Prints

A favorite interesting fact is that every person’s tooth print is unique to them, just like a fingerprint. Not any person’s bite indentation can be the same. That is why teeth are typically used to identify a body during the postmortem, or to even track down a murderer. 

Similar to your unique teeth prints, your tongue also has an individually created print. Not even identical twins will share the same tooth, finger, or tongue print. 

A Third is Hiding

It’s extremely important to keep your gums healthy by flossing and using mouthwash. It’s because almost a third of each tooth is hiding underneath your gums. Even if you have small choppers, a third of their size will be rooted into your gums. 

Gums should be kept healthy and clean and always be firm and pink in color. 

How Many Do You Have? 

Dentists are amazed at the number of people who don’t know how many choppers they have in their mouths. So, for those who aren’t aware, this will be an interesting fact. 

In total, each person has 32 teeth: Twelve molars (square-shaped and situated at the back of your mouth), eight premolars (next to the primary molars), four canines (also known as vampire’s teeth), and eight incisors (the front teeth). 

As a baby, you will develop only 20 fangs that will fall out during the ages of 5-6. When they’ve fallen out, the baby fangs will make way for adult choppers. Interestingly enough pigs have 44, cats have 30, and dogs 42. 

Each person has four wisdom teeth that don’t always grow through the gums. Because they are situated way in the back of the mouth, they can cause problems by pushing against molars. This causes intense pain and even crooked growth of other molars and incisors. 

They can be removed by a professional dentist surgeon either in their office or under anesthesia, depending on the growth and depth. Learn more about different types of molars and their functions:

Hardest Substance

Did you know that enamel is the hardest part of your body, even harder than bones? Enamel is the exterior layer that can be found around the teeth. Its function is to protect the tooth by creating a protective layer around it, like a hard shell. 

Enamel consists of phosphate and calcium; it is stronger than bones because of the crystallites and proteins that form the enamel. It’s important to keep your enamel healthy and strong by brushing and not digesting foods that can break it down. 

Substances like acids and sugar can break down the enamel’s surface and create harmful and sometimes painful decay. Once enamel is broken down, this is when you will experience sensitivity and even holes that should be filled by a dentist. 

Yellow = Decay

Your incisors are made to be white. When they appear yellow or even dark grey color, it usually indicates decay. Enamel appears as a white substance and since it is around the outer layer of the tooth, it should appear white. When it is broken down it will give a yellow hue. 


Care for your teeth by brushing twice daily for the recommended amount of 2-3 minutes. Use high-quality toothpaste brands to protect enamel and keep mouth bacteria at bay. 

If you experience any toothache or sensitivity or have any other dental concerns, you should visit a dentist as soon as possible. Neglecting to look after your teeth will only worsen the problem. 

Comments 1
  1. Picture this: you’re enjoying a delightful meal, relishing every bite, when suddenly, a sharp pang shoots through your tooth. Ouch! Could it be tooth decay rearing its ugly head?

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