How to Safely Identify and Prepare for Wasp Removal in Your Yard

No one wants to run into a wasp nest on their property, but that type of infestation is more common than most people realize. If you live in an area where these insects thrive, then you need to have a comprehensive plan ready so that you can immediately take care of them if you ever notice a nest or any stray wasps.

Signs of a Wasp Infestation

The most common sign of a wasp infestation is a clear increase in wasp activity. A few stray wasps generally aren’t a problem, but you need to be wary if you notice multiple wasps every single day or a nest tucked away in a sheltered location. In some cases, wasps will also strip natural material away from trees or walls to create their nests as well, and that type of damage is typically very visible.

Are Wasps Dangerous?

For the average individual, a single wasp sting isn’t going to be extremely dangerous. That being said, wasp stings are very painful, and receiving dozens of stings in a short period of time can result in some serious health complications. Allowing wasps to reside on your property could also result in quite a bit of damage to your property. Those are just a few of the reasons why it is so important to deal with a wasp nest as soon as you notice it.

What to Do When You Find a Nest

As soon as you notice a wasp nest or an increase in wasp activity on your property, you must act immediately. When wasps are left alone, they are quickly going to multiple and potentially create new nests throughout the area. Once you have positively identified the nest, you should steer clear of the area and contact a professional who offers pest control solutions.

Professional Pest Control Solutions

Your pest control solutions expert will most likely carry out a few important steps to safely remove the wasp nest and clear the pests from your property. Physically removing the nest is a very important component of this process, and it requires specialized tools and quite a bit of training. After the nest has been removed, they might treat the area with a repellant and seal up all of the buildings on your property so that stray wasps can’t create a new nest.


These few tips are a great start, but you also need to come up with a long-term plan for preventing future infestations. As a general rule, wasps are going to avoid your property if they don’t have access to a food source, plenty of water, and a safe location to build a nest.

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