From scenic rooftops to hidden back patios, dine-out options are popping up. Find a restaurant with outdoor seating and enjoy a delicious meal on a beautiful summer night.
Eat With Others
As the season heats, many diners will want to take advantage of warm weather and spectacular views. For this reason, outdoor seating is a huge draw for some restaurants, such as London Square restaurants, since it makes customers comfortable and relaxed.
Add a few lighter fare options, such as grilled meat and fish dishes seasoned with fresh herbs and salads made with local summer produce, like juicy, plump tomatoes, crisp radishes, heirloom veggies, and lettuce. Featuring seasonal ingredients on your menu is a great way to keep your customers coming back all summer, whether they are eating on-site or via delivery.
Encourage your guests to eat together this summer by offering family-friendly meals or kid-approved food. Splitting an entree or ordering a side dish and sharing can help people manage portion sizes. Likewise, ordering water and skipping sugary mixed drinks can help diners stay on track with their healthy eating goals. And, as a bonus, it can save money!
Make Healthy Choices

While staying healthy is a goal for year-round, summer isn’t the time to get off track. Having a plan and making smart choices will help you avoid unhealthy summer eating habits. If you have to dine out, scope out the menu in advance to find nutritious options and choose water instead of soda or sugary cocktails. Eat a small snack before going out to avoid overeating or feeling hungry later. Indulge in fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables like berries and melon, which are high in lycopene, or try grilling fish, chicken, lean meats, and low-fat cheese to make healthy meals. Skip the fries and choose side salads or broth-based soups to reduce fat intake.
Eat a variety of light entrees and healthy sides, such as tomato salad with light vinaigrette or shrimp skewers with roasted veggies.
Drink Water
Sipping water throughout a meal will help cut calories, balance sodium and keep you from overindulging. Skip the fancy drinks, which typically contain many calories and sugary add-ins. Instead, opt for a simple glass of water or wine (with fewer calories) or a dish with plenty of produce. If you are hosting a summer picnic or dinner party, have sparkling or flat water for guests. This will make it easy for them to keep track of their cups and hydrate throughout the meal. Add a little flavor to the water with lemon slices or lime wedges.