How Much Garlic Is Toxic to Dogs?

If you’re a pet owner, it’s important to understand the things you can and can’t feed your pet. And if you own a dog, you’ve probably already read about garlic and how it can be toxic for dogs. For that reason, most experts recommend keeping your dog away from garlic as much as possible.

But if you dig deeper, you might find that things get more complicated. This is especially true with the claims of garlic offers certain benefits for dogs, such as tick prevention if they are given it in small amounts.

Some people, along with a couple of sources on the internet, claim that dogs can have certain amounts of garlic and reap some benefits.

So, in this article, we’re going to find out how much garlic is too much garlic for your pet.

That way, you can figure out if you can feed your dog garlic and reap certain benefits, and if so, how much would be a safe amount for your pet.

How Much Garlic Can I Give My Dog?

Generally, experts recommend keeping your dog away from garlic as much as possible. However, the actual amount of garlic that is bad for your dog is often disputed. This is why there are many people that claim that you can actually give your dog a bit of garlic.

Some studies out there found that 15-30 grams of garlic per kilogram of your dog’s body weight are what is considered poisonous to pets. Considering the fact that a clove of garlic only weighs a few grams, it will take a lot of your dog to feel the effects.

So, does that mean small amounts of garlic are safe for dogs?

Well, not exactly. This is because every dog is different, so their bodies might have different reactions to the herb. For example, some Asian dog breeds like the Japanese Spitz are known to be more sensitive to garlic than others.

With that in mind, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid garlic for your dog altogether.

Why Is Garlic Bad for Dogs?

The reason garlic is bad for dogs is a compound known as thiosulfate. Thiosulfates are toxins that attack the red blood cells. While this doesn’t have that much of an effect on humans, it can be much more intense for dogs.

In fact, it’s important to note that the thiosulfate toxin is not unique to garlic. You can actually find thiosulfates in all members of the allium family including onions, chives, shallots, and more.

On top of that, thiosulfates are present in all parts of the plant. So, it isn’t just the garlic bulbs that are toxic, but also the stems and leaves of all the plants in the allium family.

With that in mind, if you have garlic, onion, or other allium plants in your garden, it’s best to keep them away from your pet.

How To Spot Garlic Poisoning in Dogs

Garlic poisoning in dogs manifests itself in different ways depending on how much garlic your dog ate. However, the most common symptoms include an upset stomach, lethargy, vomiting, and in some cases, even hemolytic anemia.

Do Garlic Supplements for Dogs Work?

The reason the garlic debate for dogs is so complicated is that there are some benefits that your dog can reap if they eat garlic. For example, eating small and controlled amounts of garlic can actually strengthen your dog’s immune system, keeping them protected from illnesses.

Additionally, garlic is a known tick or flea repellant. So, if your pet is struggling with these problems, feeding them a bit of garlic might also be worth considering.

There are many other potential benefits that garlic may have for dogs, which could be the reason why there are so many supplements on the market today.

Granted, the jury is still out on whether or not garlic supplements will offer the same benefits that pure garlic has for dogs. 

Still, if you want to learn more about whether or not garlic can benefit your pet, you can check out this article:

Conclusion – Should I Consider Giving My Dog Garlic?

This is entirely up to you. While there is some potential evidence that shows that garlic can be beneficial for dogs, there are also other studies that show that garlic and members of the allium family can be poisonous to your pets.

So, as a pet owner, it’s up to you to weigh the risks and benefits while doing all the required research. On top of all of that, always consult your vet before adding anything to your diet.

That way, they can take any special concerns and needs of your pet into account and give you expert advice on whether or not to do it.


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