Give Your Morning Routine a Makeover

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Perpetually hitting the snooze button or feeling like you need a nap right after you wake up may be indicators that show you need to shake up your morning routine. Here are some of the guidelines on how you can have a better start to your day, feel more productive, more energized, and able to truly rise and shine.

Wake up earlier

But you barely wake up anyway, right? Well, listen closely: you need to find a happy medium amount of sleep in order to feel rested in the morning. Establishing a healthy sleeping rhythm may take a little time, but it is the first step towards enjoying your mornings. We often feel exhausted because we’re in a rush, so getting up earlier will provide you with a peaceful start to the day. Try determining why you feel so groggy in the morning: did you have too much screen time right before falling asleep? Did you go to bed pretty late? Is there something weighing you down and causing poor sleep quality or even insomnia? If you’re experiencing serious sleeping problems, consult an expert.

Squeeze in a workout

There is no better way to successfully start your day than by working out. There are many benefits of getting physical in the morning, whether you go for a jog, a quick swim, or hit the gym. Studies show that a good morning workout routine will ensure a better night’s sleep.

It’s optimal to invest at least 20-30 min in the morning workout during the working days, but on weekends – you can make it longer. Here’s an extra tip on how to stay consistent with exercising in the morning: prepare your workout apparel the night before and leave it by the side of your bed. When you open your eyes, jump out of bed, grab your things, and start breaking some sweat! Science says it takes about two months to form a habit, so stay persistent! You will feel victorious every time you manage to stick to your decision. Make sure you hit the cold shower afterward for a truly refreshing morning.


Have a healthy breakfast

Prepare yourself an energizing meal that will boost you up and help you prepare for the day ahead. Enjoy your cup of coffee and simply be present: don’t check your phone all the time. At least for the first hour – disconnect and devote this time to yourself. This should be your moment of peace and quiet or a moment you share with your family. Instead of swiping through your phone, engage in a conversation that will help you wake up – continue reading that book you like, to get your brain started, or do something completely for yourself (e.g. yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises).

Check your to-do list for the day

Make sure you stay organized. Before heading to work or figuring out your tasks for the day, make sure you check your to-do list and prioritize. Write it all down on paper so you don’t forget anything. Mental notes aren’t reliable, no matter how good you think you’re at remembering things. If you set a clearly structured schedule in the morning, you’ll get better and better with time management, which is a great way to avoid hectic mornings.

Nurture a healthy consistency

A great way to start your day is by asking yourself: what good will I do today? It is not a typical question to ask yourself, but it helps you set your goals straight and focus on being the best and kindest version of yourself. To have a feeling of purpose is extremely important and this exact inner motivation helps us get out of our beds in the morning. Conclude your day by asking what good have you managed to do in the day that passed, and enjoy a peaceful night.

It’s not always easy to face the world in the morning: many people simply live through their days on autopilot mode. But with a little bit of effort – you can make the best of it.

Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is an Australian-based beauty, lifestyle, and health blogger and researcher. She has a great passion for yoga and living well. Sophia loves sharing meaningful content that educates and inspires people. She is a regular contributor at Ripped.

Find her on Twitter  Google +

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