I am one of those people that has allergies all year round. They wake me up through the night because they tickle my throat, cause my eyes to water, and make my nose all stuffy. I was pretty excited when found Olbas because I’m all about all-natural products. I love using essential oils for the most part, but I also love finding other natural products that help as well.
A few of the products I have sampled so far are the Sugar Free Lozenges, Pastilles, Cough Syrup, Olbas Oil, and the Inhaler. My husband really enjoyed the inhaler because if he gets hit at all, it’s always his nose. I can’t bring myself to stick anything near my nose, but I loved the Olbas oil the most. The smell was so relaxing, and it felt great when I massaged it behind my ears.
The biggest draw to this entire company is the fact that they’re so natural. I’m not going to lie, I was a little freaked out that it was all going to taste horrible. Healthier stuff, in my experience, has never tasted stellar. I’m kind of a baby when it comes to strange or bad tasting things even if they’re good for me. However, the taste was pleasantly surprising which was the best part.
The cough syrup is the one that caught me off guard the most. Man, cough syrups can be the worst but Olbas uses pure wildflower honey in theirs. You can definitely taste the honey and it’s a much more welcoming flavor than those average cough syrups.
Overall, I was very impressed with the quality that Olbas has to offer. They have a unique product that’s perfect for me and my family. School time always brings about the germs and even parents aren’t safe from it. I like knowing that I have an all-natural option for medicine and that it works well to boot!
A Big Thank You! for your ‘Olbas Love’ Shannon…from Olbas Herbal Remedies! Really nice photos, too.