The perfect smile today means a lot. Beautiful teeth are not only aesthetics but also health. In addition, dental problems cause a lot of discomfort: problems in eating, speaking, and even breathing. The loss of at least one member of the “pearl team” becomes a real tragedy.
In the past, lost teeth were replaced by implants from the shell of mussels, and turtles … The thinned dentition is effectively restored by modern methods of implantation. The technology implies the installation of an artificial tooth in the jaw bone in place of the lost tooth. You might be wondering what are the benefits and are dental implants worth it?
Full-mouth dental implants have many benefits. They are not only obvious but also confirmed by clinical studies. If, for example, only one tooth in a row is damaged, then it is the implant that will ideally restore the “loss” without disturbing the adjacent teeth. An artificial “pearl” is implanted into the bone tissue, which creates an absolutely natural look; in addition, the restoration of the row reduces the risk of bone atrophy (the implant imitates the natural load on it).
If teeth are completely lost, then implants are a way out for those who want to wear fixed structures. The patient does not feel discomfort, because there is an imitation of “native” teeth.
Which implant to choose?
Several types of implants are used for interosseous implantation. Root-like in their shape repeats the shape of the root of a real tooth. They are 2 types:
Screw (threaded stepped cylinder, which is screwed into the jaw bone) and cylindrical (installed in two stages).
In cylindrical ones, the use of a porous structure is especially effective: the bone tissue, growing, penetrates into the pores, and the artificial tooth is fixed very firmly.
Plate implants allow penetration into the bone to a great depth, which increases its stability. They are used in the case of very narrow bone when the use of root-shaped implants is not possible.
Basal implants are a post and one or more baseplates placed horizontally (shaped like an inverted T). They are fixed in the jawbone from the side, which makes it possible to stabilize the implant almost immediately after its insertion, without increasing bone tissue.
The implantation procedure has one- or two stages. One-stage implantation involves the use of non-separable implants in the formed bone bed in the jaw. The prosthesis is installed immediately or in the first days after surgery. In the two-stage procedure, the root part of the artificial tooth is inserted into the jawbone, then the mucous membrane is sutured. Directly, a tooth prosthesis is installed approximately 2-3 months after the intervention (for the lower jaw) and 4-6 months (for the upper jaw).
A single included defect in the dentition with healthy adjacent teeth is one of the most important indications. The specialist does not touch the “neighbors”, they retain their original appearance.
If two or three teeth are missing, implants will also save the day. With this scenario, the patient will have the opportunity to choose the most preferred options for the procedure. An artificial tooth is ideal even in the absence of a rooted tooth: in this situation, there is no fulcrum, so you need to rely on the jawbone.
A complete absence of teeth (anodontia) is a relative indication: here you can use both fixed and removable prosthetics. The first option is difficult from a moral point of view: removing the artificial jaw at night is regarded by the patient as a manifestation of weakness … Therefore, the alternative here is implantation.
Contraindications can be divided into absolute and relative. The absolute is an unstable state of health of a patient or a disease that can significantly reduce the life of dental implants. These include diseases of the endocrine system, and central nervous system; malignant tumors, tuberculosis, pathology of the immune system, diseases of the hematopoietic system, AIDS, and venereal diseases.
Relative contraindications include, as a rule, temporary ones: pathological bite, periodontitis, the presence of metal implants in other organs, poor oral hygiene, bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep), diseases of the cardiovascular system and/or the temporal-mandibular joint.
What materials are dental implants made of?
Dental implants are made from titanium alloys. Titanium itself is a biologically inert material, but it is soft, therefore it is not used in its pure form, and in order to be used in dentistry, additives of other metals are needed. But what metals and in what proportions are included in the alloy, each manufacturer tries to keep secret. If on the packaging of products, for example, we find the percentage of certain ingredients, then on the packaging of implants this is not the case. Make sure to discuss with your dentist all nuances and chose good quality dental implants.
Installation of implants is a progressive method of prosthetics in modern dentistry. This technique has advantages over the installation of standard prostheses, it has significantly fewer restrictions. Future patients are often worried about the procedure because they know very little about it. We hope that this article helped you.
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