Since energy prices are ever-rising, we must find alternative ways to minimize electricity usage. When it comes to heating our homes, ducted heating units keep our interiors cozy without digging a hole in our pockets. As compared to other means of heating homes, these units are better, both in terms of performance and efficiency.
In many homes and commercial places now, ducted heating in proper channels is incorporated all throughout the rooms, to ensure uniform heating during winter months. Ducted heating does not affect your electricity bills much, and it also does not create much air pollution.
What Are Ducted Heating Units?
Ducted heating units are heating appliances that can be used in both residential and commercial properties. They contain ducts that are mounted on the roof, a series of grilles and vents, and an internal or external furnace.
Moreover, ducted heating units can be categorized into the following:
- Reversed Cycle Air Conditioning: This form of ducted heating is electrically powered which can cool your home during the summer season and heat it in winter. Consequently, you can provide adequate comfort to your home round the clock.
- Gas Ducted Heating: This form of ducted heating is powered by natural gas or liquified petroleum gas (LPG). Unlike reverse cycle air conditioning, it’s a more popular and traditional ducted option.
Benefits Of Using Ducted Units
As compared to other heating systems, ducted heating units offer so many advantages for the users. Some of the benefits of using these systems include:
- They Are Cost-Effective: As compared to other systems of heating, ducted units save a good amount of money by reducing energy consumption. The overall unit cost of ducted heating varies as per the size of the room, and how long it takes to warm up a room.
- They Perform Better: Most other systems of heating lose their efficiency when the temperatures drop outside. However, ducted units manage to remain steady and perform better. Ducts channel the warm water evenly throughout all the rooms.
- They Warm Instantly: As compared to other heating systems, ducted heating units work faster and reach the desired temperature almost instantly.
- They Are Safe: Since ducted gas does not dry up your eyes and skin, your home feels comfortable and is safe for your skin and overall health. Ducted heating does not create pollution or lead to choking. It is completely safe if you have small children, aged patients, and pets in the rooms.
How Do They Work?
Ducted heating units comprise a heating unit that relates to several outlets through a series of ducts. Professional installers place the ducts and the outlets strategically throughout your house, in the ceiling or in the flooring. This may depend on the condition of your house. It is the responsibility of the installers to tuck away the ducts out of easy sight. There is a wall-mounted controller which you can use to adjust your temperature, either in a single room or in the entire house. The unit works by drawing air from your house interiors and pushing it into your rooms through outlets and the network of ducts. This gives a steady supply of gentle and warm air inside.
On the other hand, ducted heating units will more likely operate with a higher level of efficiency if they’re supported by heated floors. These are supplemental heating systems that are installed in an area where additional heat is required for optimum comfort.
Since the floors provide heat directly, you can keep yourself warm despite having low room air temperature. As a result, you can save money and energy in the long run. Therefore, if you’re looking for heated floor systems to supplement your ducted heating units, you may visit this website and other similar platforms to get more information, including how they work and how much they cost.
How To Choose The Right Unit
Now that you have made up your mind to install a ducted heating unit in your home, let’s talk about how to choose the right unit as per your individual requirements:
- Your Budget: Your budget plays an important role in making a final decision. High-efficiency ducted heating units may be expensive, but their operation is cost-effective, and they end up saving money in the long run.
- Your Frequency Of Usage: If you use your heating unit too often, then you should keep its operating costs in mind. Buy an appliance that has a better star rating. It will be more energy efficient and lower your running costs. However, if you seldom use it, there is no use in investing in an expensive unit and you can do away with purchasing a unit with fewer stars.
For ultimate control, comfort, and energy efficiency, ducted heating units serve as the ideal heating systems for your house. There are so many advantages to using these units, as they perform better and save money. We have told you how to choose the right unit as per your requirements, preferences, and budget. Make an informed decision and see how this unit can bring a difference in your comfort level.