3 Steps to Creating Captivating PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint presentations have numerous uses. They can help in teaching, illustrating historical events, displaying statistical data, and conducting business meetings. PowerPoint presentations are helpful tools that can make sharing of ideas with your audiences simple. According to Slideshare, the invention of PowerPoint presentation has established a captivating way of conveying information.

Creating a captivating PowerPoint presentation requires a systematic organization of ideas. Besides, the steps you follow when creating a presentation can vary based on the PowerPoint version you are using.

The following are the three main steps to follow when creating captivating PowerPoint presentations using PowerPoint 2007.

1. Start the PowerPoint Application and Select a Design

The first step to creating captivating PowerPoint presentations is launching the program itself. Immediately you click on the PowerPoint start button, you may get a prompt requesting you to select the type of document to create. Select the option for creating a blank presentation document. If you don’t get such a prompt, then a blank presentation document will automatically open.

After launching your powerpoint addin program, you should select a preferable design for your presentation. Look for the ‘Design’ tab at the top of your PowerPoint program. Then, peruse through each pre-existing design and select one that you deem appropriate for the type of presentation you intend to have. Hover over your preferred design to preview how it will appear before using it to create your presentation. The design you select will automatically apply to all your slides. Therefore, choose a design that your target audience will like.

However, you can change the design of a single slide once you create other slides. First, you have to highlight the slide whose design you intend to alter by clicking on it. Then the highlighted slide will appear on the computer screen. You can now go to the ‘Design’ tab and right-click on your preferred design before you click on ‘Apply to the highlighted Slide.’ The changes will be applicable on the selected slide, but this will not alter other slides’ design.

2. Create the Title Slide and Add Visuals

The second step involves clicking on the box with the statement ‘Click to add title.’ You should click and include a title for your presentation. Then you can click on the next box to write your name or add a relevant subtitle. Once you complete adding text in the boxes, you should modify their font type, size, and color to suit your presentation design. You can also alter the text box size by highlighting the corners and dragging until you have the desired size. Remember to include catchy content on the title slide page to capture attention.

Adding visual aids to your presentation can help you create captivating PowerPoint presentations. You can click on the ‘Insert’ tab on your program to add an image, graph, or chart to your presentation. Buttons for all the visuals will appear, and you can select the one you intend to add to your presentation. Immediately you finish adding a visual to your presentation, edit it as required in the ‘Format’ tab on your program.

3. Add Transitions and Alter the Order of Your Slides

Adding transitions between your slides can help you create a captivating presentation with a logical flow of information. Click on the ‘Animations’ tab in your program to add transitions. You can peruse and preview all the available transitions before selecting your preferred one to use in your presentation. You can repeat this for each slide, choosing the same or varying transitions.

After creating all your slides and adding the relevant content, you can alter their order. You can click and drag a slide from its current location to your preferred point in the presentation. Changing your slides’ order can help you re-organize the information you intend to pass to your audience to avoid confusion. Finally, having worked on your slides from the title page to the last one, you can play your presentation. You can go to the ‘Slide Show’ tab and choose ‘From the beginning’ to see your presentation slideshow.


Preparing a captivating PowerPoint presentation is a step-by-step process. You must effectively complete each step to create a professional PowerPoint presentation. Some of the steps include launching your PowerPoint program, selecting a design, creating the title page, adding transitions, and changing the slides’ order. Ultimately, adopting these steps can assist you in creating captivating PowerPoint presentations.


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